Philips Vesta 675 Long Exposure Modification

Opening the Webcam

Here is the Philips Vesta 675 as it appears to the laymen. This cute little contraption will be reduced to rubble before I'm finished with it.
It's pretty hard to open the case without breaking the various clips on the inside. I didn't really care because I was going to build my own enclosure anyway. This shot shows how the circuit boards sit sit inside the case. Notice that there are two circuit boards.
Here is a close up showing the interface between the main board and the CCD board. The two boards pull easily apart.
This is the top of the main board...
...and this is the bottom of the main board. Notice the 16510 chip, the large black chip, in the lower right corner. This is where the mod must be performed.
This is the front of the CCD board. It shows the green power-LED at the top, the microphone in the middle, and the CCD at the bottom.
This is the lens holder. It screws right off the CCD board, although it takes those strange star-shaped screw-drivers.

Next section:
Modifying the Lens Holder